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Cyber Security Service

Services Code: CSTS01

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Security training for your staff is a must to protect your business from security breaches as technologies evolve, let us look at some facts:

• Only 54% of small businesses provide ongoing security training for their staff.

• 31% of the worst security breaches are a result of human error which can cost up to £1,150,000.00 to recover from.


• 70% of companies suffered staff related breaches where the security policy was poorly understood.

• 23% of companies haven’t briefed their board on security risks in the last year (and 13% have never done so).


What can we do about this?


Shield Technology can deliver a number of training workshops aimed to train your key stakeholders to identify your critical assets which lie in sensitive data and intellectual property and to understand their roles and responsibilities as the gatekeepers of this information. Changing the company culture to implement security is one of the biggest challenges a business can face though our approach will ensure that security becomes second nature from boardroom to basement.


As Shield Technology advises that cyber security is a ‘Board Level responsibility’, our primary aim is to raise awareness at the top, passing the message through the middle management team and implementing amongst your staff.

Interactive and engaging, we use a number of mediums including in-house seminars, e-learning platforms and bespoke training around your own policies to deliver a flexible solution for every learning style.






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