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About Us

Our 17-year legacy in Qatar's IT landscape speaks volumes. As cybersecurity specialists, we fortify businesses with unparalleled security measures, offering the most secure systems for your peace of mind. Our dedication to digital transformation means delivering cutting-edge solutions, including proprietary technologies and tailor-made software.

From CCTV systems and cutting-edge patrol monitoring solutions, to fleet management and HR innovations, and way beyond, we provide you with the comprehensive support you require to excel in today’s competitive market.

Shield Technology pursues a single goal - To empower and protect  the enterprise with continuous security assurance for the people and the system that we have been entrusted with.


Letter From The CEO

Shield Technology has experienced a significant transformation in recent years as we’ve strived to become leaders in Digital Transformation for our clients. One of the most notable changes and challenges has been our enhanced understanding and deeper commitment to sustainability, which has become clearer as we've refined our leadership vision.

We operate in a positive, challenging, respectful, ethical, rewarding, educational, motivational, and service-oriented environment. Our employees are fully supported with the necessary processes, infrastructure, and opportunities to address the toughest security and privacy challenges in the private sector. We excel in problem-solving, ensuring our clients' security, safety, and privacy.

We build close partnerships with our clients, fostering long-term relationships as we work together to overcome their challenges. Some clients engage us for short-term projects to address immediate issues, often returning later with new challenges. Others have been with us for years, consistently relying on our expertise.

Saade Alkhoury
Founder, CIO/CEO